
General Practice in Aged Care Overview webinar

To help GPs understand the General Practice in Aged Care incentive and what it means for them, the RACGP is hosting a webinar presented by the Department of Health and Aged Care.
Aged care General practice MyMedicare

Online Initial Assessment and Referral – Decision Support Tool (IAR-DST) Training

Date Venue Organiser Eastern Melbourne Primary Health Network (EMPHN) runs training sessions on the IAR-DST for GPs, general practice staff, clinicians and other mental health service providers. The training consists of a two-hour workshop delivered either online with a focus on: The training is an RACGP CPD Approved Activity for the 2023–2026 triennium. Eligible GPs
CPD hours General practice IAR-DST Mental health

Evoca Women’s Health: Recent updates in STI management in women

Evoca Women's Health are delighted to invite you to join their next session in the Evoca Education series presented by Dr Ros Foster.
General practice Women's health

Medication Management in Dementia

In this webinar you will hear practical tips from expert GP and pharmacist Medical Educators about managing medication in a person living with dementia, the importance of medication review and the detrimental effects of certain medications on cognition.
Aged care CPD hours General practice

Quality Improvement Activity – Thunderstorm Asthma

Thunderstorm Asthma is a springtime and early summer phenomenon that can cause severe and life-threatening episodes of asthma. All health professionals in primary care and at-risk patients need to be prepared for Thunderstorm Asthma events. 
General practice Quality improvement

Asthma in Spring – Allergies and Thunderstorms

Western Victoria Primary Health Network (PHN), Murray PHN, Gippsland PHN, North Western Melbourne PHN, Eastern Melbourne PHN, South Eastern Melbourne PHN and Primary Health Tasmania are pleased to invite you to attend this webinar.
General practice

Online Initial Assessment and Referral – Decision Support Tool (IAR-DST) Training

Date Venue Organiser Eastern Melbourne Primary Health Network (EMPHN) runs training sessions on the IAR-DST for GPs, general practice staff, clinicians and other mental health service providers. The training consists of a two-hour workshop delivered either online with a focus on: The training is an RACGP CPD Approved Activity for the 2023–2026 triennium. Eligible GPs
CPD hours General practice IAR-DST Mental health

Monash Health GP webinar: Genetic screening in pregnancy

Monash Health are pleased to invite GPs to an online update on prenatal and reproductive carrier screening.
CPD hours General practice Women's health

AGPAL 2024 Webinars Expression of Interest

Explicitly focused on Practice Management, these webinars are open to questions and discussions with the aim of sparking interesting and engaging conversation to assist in GP practice management.
General practice

Online Initial Assessment and Referral – Decision Support Tool (IAR-DST) Training

Eastern Melbourne Primary Health Network (EMPHN) runs training sessions on the IAR-DST for GPs, general practice staff, clinicians and other mental health service providers.
CPD hours General practice IAR-DST Mental health

Online Initial Assessment and Referral – Decision Support Tool (IAR-DST) Training

Eastern Melbourne Primary Health Network (EMPHN) runs training sessions on the IAR-DST for GPs, general practice staff, clinicians and other mental health service providers.
CPD hours General practice IAR-DST Mental health

Quality Practice Accreditation: Most common non-conformities

Join Quality Practice Accreditation (QPA) for an insightful presentation about the most common non-conformities that they find practices have the most trouble with.
General practice

Primary Health Tasmania: Driving and dementia

This session will equip general practitioners with tools and techniques to start conversations about driving and dementia early. Learn how to take appropriate collateral history, using cognitive assessment tools to help determine fitness to drive and reassess driving capacity in people with dementia. 
CPD hours General practice

Online Initial Assessment and Referral – Decision Support Tool (IAR-DST) Training

Eastern Melbourne Primary Health Network (EMPHN) runs training sessions on the IAR-DST for GPs, general practice staff, clinicians and other mental health service providers.
CPD hours General practice IAR-DST Mental health

Systems overview for practices and providers to register with MyMedicare

Services Australia invite you to join their webinar where they will provide an overview of how practices and providers, including sole providers can register for MyMedicare, with systems specialists from Services Australia.
General practice MyMedicare

Online Initial Assessment and Referral – Decision Support Tool (IAR-DST) Training

Eastern Melbourne Primary Health Network (EMPHN) runs training sessions on the IAR-DST for GPs, general practice staff, clinicians and other mental health service providers.
CPD hours General practice IAR-DST

Practice Network Meeting – Understanding the Incentive Payments – PIP/WIP/SIP and the upcoming changes to Chronic Disease Management

This update will discuss PIP/WIP and SIP and provide information on how your practice can prepare for the upcoming changes to the Chronic Disease Management items.
General practice

Community of Practice for Palliative Care in General Practice

EMPHN is excited to invite passionate general practitioners (GPs) and GPs in training to join our Community of Practice for Palliative Care in General Practice. Partnering with the Eastern Metropolitan Region Palliative Care Consortium (EMRPCC), this initiative aims to elevate best practices and enhance palliative care capabilities within our community.
Aged care General practice Palliative care

Postponed Upcoming changes to chronic disease management items

RACGP are holding a webinar in October about the upcoming changes to chronic disease management items.
Billing CPD hours General practice

Systems overview for practices and providers to register their patients with MyMedicare

Services Australia invite you to join their webinar where they will provide an overview of patient registrations under MyMedicare for MyMedicare and related incentive, with systems specialists from Services Australia.
General practice MyMedicare
Featured Featured

IAR-DST for mental healthcare training & GP networking event

Join us for a networking event and light meal to foster collaboration among GPs and healthcare professionals in the region.
CPD hours General practice IAR-DST

Heart Failure Workshop with the Victorian Heart Hospital

The Monash Victorian Heart Institute together with the Victorian Heart Hospital (VHH) (Australia’s first standalone cardiac hospital) invites General Practitioners to join them as they strengthen local networks to achieve the best outcomes for patients with Heart Failure.
CPD hours General practice

Online Initial Assessment and Referral – Decision Support Tool (IAR-DST) Training

Eastern Melbourne Primary Health Network (EMPHN) runs training sessions on the IAR-DST for GPs, general practice staff, clinicians and other mental health service providers.
CPD hours General practice IAR-DST

STI Community of Practice – Mpox

Date Venue Organiser Hosted by the Victorian HIV and Hepatitis Integrated Training And Learning (VHHITAL) program, this webinar is intended to support primary healthcare practitioners with the opportunity to bring case studies for discussion and mutual learning. This peer learning approach enhances the future practice of low case load practitioners or even the most experienced practitioners who can
CPD hours General practice HIV STI

General practice and heart failure dinner

Date Venue Organiser Dr. Gordon has been the Director of Heart Failure at Box Hill Hospital since 2003 and also practices at Epworth Eastern and Knox Private. A specialist in Transthoracic, Exercise Stress, and Dobutamine Stress Echocardiography, Dr. Gordon prioritises patient involvement in healthcare decisions, providing comprehensive explanations of diagnostic results and treatment options. His
General practice

Better Billing Webinar Series: The 715 Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Health Assessment

Western Victoria Primary Health Network are pleased to invite you to this 3-part webinar series where attendees will learn better ways to bill and use MBS numbers. Presented by Ash Van Leeuwestyn, Better Billing
Billing General practice MBS

Progressive Chronic Kidney Disease

This webinar unpacks Chapter 5 of the Chronic Kidney Disease Management in Primary Care 5th handbook, Progressive CKD, and more. Don’t miss it!
General practice

Online Initial Assessment and Referral – Decision Support Tool (IAR-DST) Training

Eastern Melbourne Primary Health Network (EMPHN) runs training sessions on the IAR-DST for GPs, general practice staff, clinicians and other mental health service providers.
CPD hours General practice IAR-DST

Evoca National Women’s Health Conference

Evoca is privileged to have assembled a group of world-class speakers to discuss topics ranging from fertility to perinatal mental health, menopause, endometriosis, and genetics.
Allied health Conference General practice Women's health

Banksia Palliative Care – When the community palliative care and the role of the GP meet

Community palliative care serves as a vital element in improving the quality of life for individuals dealing with serious illnesses and their families. It provides the necessary compassionate support and specialised medical care to manage pain, symptoms, and emotional distress outside the confines of a hospital.
CPD hours General practice Palliative care

Quality Improvement Activity: Identifying patients at risk of Hospitalisation

In this session, attendees will be introduced to a quality improvement activity using the Hospital Avoidance Tool (HAT) report in Polar to identify patients at urgent risk of hospitalisation and increase your number of completed General Practitioner Management Plan (GPMP) or review of GPMP for eligible patients.
Digital health General practice MyMedicare

General Practice in Aged Care Incentive Webinar Series – For staff of aged care homes

You are invited to attend a webinar to support you in the implementation of the General Practice in Aged Care Incentive.
Aged care GPACI MyMedicare RACH

Banksia Palliative Care – The role of the GP in prescribing opioids for palliative care patients

Join this insightful event focused on the role of the GP in prescribing opioids for palliative care patients.
CPD hours General practice Palliative care

Statewide Immunisation Forum

The Victorian Primary Health Networks are pleased to invite you to the second 2024 Statewide Victoria PHN Immunisation Forum.
General practice Immunisation

Mercy Hospital for Women GP Speed Dating Evening

Mercy Hospital for Women is excited to launch Mercy Health’s first ever GP Speed Dating Evening.
General practice Women's health

General Practice in Aged Care Incentive Webinar Series – For the primary care team

You are invited to attend a webinar to support you in the implementation of the General Practice in Aged Care Incentive.
General practice GPACI MyMedicare

Online Initial Assessment and Referral – Decision Support Tool (IAR-DST) Training

Eastern Melbourne Primary Health Network (EMPHN) runs training sessions on the IAR-DST for GPs, general practice staff, clinicians and other mental health service providers.
CPD hours General practice IAR-DST

General Practice in Aged Care Incentive Webinar Series – For GPs (responsible providers)

You are invited to attend a webinar to support you in the implementation of the General Practice in Aged Care Incentive.
General practice GPACI MyMedicare

Health Complaints Commissioner – General Code of Conduct

Seminar designed for general health service providers.
General practice

2024 National Medicines Symposium

Australian Commission on Safety and Quality in Health Care are pleased to announce that registrations are now open for the National Medicines Symposium 2024. This year’s event will focus on the safe and appropriate use of medicines in an ageing population.
Aged care General practice

Empowering Voices: Sexual and Reproductive Health & Young Disabled People Webinar

Women’s Health East warmly invites you to attend their FREE professional development sessions on sexual and reproductive health. 
General practice Women's health

Foundations in palliative care for general practice

This webinar will help build palliative care capability in general practice, enabling participants to better support and manage palliative care patients in the community.
General practice Palliative care
Featured Featured

Practice Management Education Day

Eastern Melbourne PHN invites Practice Managers to a full-day event of education and networking.
General practice practice support

COPD: How does your practice measure up?

To mark World COPD Day 2024, and in alignment with this year’s theme of Know Your Lung Function, Lung Foundation Australia presents this virtual learning event focusing on the guideline-recommended approach to early and consistent lung function testing in COPD.
CPD hours General practice

Better Billing Webinar Series: The 715 Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Health Assessment

Western Victoria Primary Health Network are pleased to invite you to this 3-part webinar series where attendees will learn better ways to bill and use MBS numbers. Presented by Ash Van Leeuwestyn, Better Billing
Billing General practice MBS

Banksia Palliative Care – Conducting essential conversations with palliative patients and their carers

Join this enlightening event focused on the art of conducting essential conversations with palliative patients and their dedicated carers.
CPD hours General practice Palliative care

Building confidence to use the Child Information Sharing Scheme (CISS)

Date Venue Organiser The Australian Primary Health Care Nurses Association (APNA) invites you to join a workshop to help build your confidence to share information using the Child Information Sharing Scheme (CISS). In this interactive session, best practices will be explored when working with children and navigating difficult conversations with families. The practical application of
Children's health General practice Paediatrics care Primary care nursing

Health Complaints Commissioner – Successful Complaint Handling

Learn how to successfully manage complaints and utilise this information to improve your health service (includes why complaints are a vital form of consumer feedback).
General practice

Health Complaints Commissioner – Understanding the Health Records Act (public sector)

This free introductory seminar is for public sector staff who collect, disclose or hold health information at agencies or health services in Victoria.
General practice

POLAR – New Clinic Summary Report

Date Venue Organiser Join an upcoming Q&A session to see a live demonstration of the new Clinic Summary Report which is due for release on 1/12/24. This interactive session will showcase the report’s features and provide an opportunity for practices to ask questions and gain practical insights.
General practice POLAR

Online Initial Assessment and Referral – Decision Support Tool (IAR-DST) Training

Eastern Melbourne Primary Health Network (EMPHN) runs training sessions on the IAR-DST for GPs, general practice staff, clinicians and other mental health service providers.
CPD hours General practice IAR-DST

Banksia Palliative Care – Delirium and the use of sedatives in community palliative care

General practitioners will develop valuable skills and knowledge to equip them to engage in meaningful discussions surrounding the management of delirium within the community.
CPD hours General practice Palliative care

Health Complaints Commissioner – Understanding the Health Records Act (private sector)

A free introductory online seminar for private sector staff who collect, disclose or hold health information at agencies or health services in Victoria.
General practice

Beyond Labels: Sexual and Reproductive Health & Women with Disabilities Webinar

Women’s Health East warmly invites you to attend our FREE professional development sessions on sexual and reproductive health. 
General practice Women's health

Introduction to Early Medical Abortion Webinar

Sexual Health Victoria, 1800 My Options, the North Eastern Public Health Unit and Women's Health East are pleased to offer this free information session for GPs, nurses, nurse practitioners, midwives and pharmacists with an interest in early medical abortion (medical termination of pregnancy) service provision. (CPD: 1.5 hours Educational Activities – RACGP CPD Hours)
CPD hours General practice

Getting comfortable with the uncomfortable: Could it be my hormones?

Join Leashey’s Legacy for an evening of candid and evidence-based discussions on hormones, aging, and mental health. This event is designed for women seeking to understand the impact of hormones on their wellbeing, with insights from internationally renowned medical experts.
Mental health Women's health

Community of Practice for Palliative Care in General Practice

Join Our Community of Practice for Palliative Care in General Practice! The Eastern Melbourne Primary Health Network (EMPHN) is excited to invite passionate general practitioners (GPs) and GPs in training to join our Community of Practice for Palliative Care in General Practice.
Aged care CPD hours General practice

Let’s get physical: The role of exercise in cardiovascular health

Join Chair, Professor Garry Jennings, alongside an expert panel of international and Australian specialists, for a clinical webinar showcasing the crucial links between physical activity, cardiorespiratory fitness, and cardiovascular health.
CPD hours General practice

Online Initial Assessment and Referral – Decision Support Tool (IAR-DST) Training

Eastern Melbourne Primary Health Network (EMPHN) runs training sessions on the IAR-DST for GPs, general practice staff, clinicians and other mental health service providers.
CPD hours General practice IAR-DST

Setting the standard: palliative care in general practice and aged care

Join this in-depth, expert led webinar to equip yourselves with tools to deliver better experiences and outcomes for people receiving generalist palliative care.
Aged care General practice Palliative care

Better Billing Webinar Series: The 715 Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Health Assessment

Western Victoria Primary Health Network are pleased to invite you to this 3-part webinar series where attendees will learn better ways to bill and use MBS numbers. Presented by Ash Van Leeuwestyn, Better Billing
Billing General practice MBS

Breast density reporting in the BreastScreen Victoria program

Learn about breast density reporting in the BreastScreen Victoria program.
General practice Women's health

Online Initial Assessment and Referral – Decision Support Tool (IAR-DST) Training

Eastern Melbourne Primary Health Network (EMPHN) runs training sessions on the IAR-DST for GPs, general practice staff, clinicians and other mental health service providers.
CPD hours General practice IAR-DST

Online Initial Assessment and Referral – Decision Support Tool (IAR-DST) Training

Eastern Melbourne Primary Health Network (EMPHN) runs training sessions on the IAR-DST for GPs, general practice staff, clinicians and other mental health service providers.
CPD hours General practice IAR-DST Mental health

Online Initial Assessment and Referral – Decision Support Tool (IAR-DST) Training

Eastern Melbourne Primary Health Network (EMPHN) runs training sessions on the IAR-DST for GPs, general practice staff, clinicians and other mental health service providers.
CPD hours General practice IAR-DST Mental health

Contemporary TGD Health for GPs and Prescribing Clinicians

Three weekly online workshops created specifically for the unique needs of General Practitioners, this CPD-accredited and free-of-charge course is designed to empower and equip Victorian GPs in transgender and gender diverse (TGD) primary care.
General practice

Online Initial Assessment and Referral – Decision Support Tool (IAR-DST) Training

Eastern Melbourne Primary Health Network (EMPHN) runs training sessions on the IAR-DST for GPs, general practice staff, clinicians and other mental health service providers.
CPD hours General practice IAR-DST Mental health
Featured Featured

Working Together – Enhancing Palliative Care in General Practice

Join this practical session to strengthen your palliative care approach in the community. Designed for GPs, Practice Nurses, and Practice Managers, this webinar will help build palliative care capacity and improve patient support in general practice and residential aged care homes (RACHs).
General practice Palliative care

Online Initial Assessment and Referral – Decision Support Tool (IAR-DST) Training

Eastern Melbourne Primary Health Network (EMPHN) runs training sessions on the IAR-DST for GPs, general practice staff, clinicians and other mental health service providers.
CPD hours General practice IAR-DST Mental health

Contemporary TGD Health for GPs and Prescribing Clinicians

Three weekly online workshops created specifically for the unique needs of General Practitioners, this CPD-accredited and free-of-charge course is designed to empower and equip Victorian GPs in transgender and gender diverse (TGD) primary care.
General practice

2025 cervical screening update: what you need to know about the latest clinical guidelines

Join this upcoming webinar to learn about the latest update to the National Cervical Screening Program (NCSP) Guidelines.
CPD hours General practice Women's health

Improving Childhood Asthma Management (ICAM) Community of Practice – Back to School 2025

This community of practice (CoP) session will focus on asthma action plans (AAPs), communicating with schools and managing asthma in children and adolescents in a school based setting. There will be case studies included in this CoP.
asthma CPD hours General practice youth health

Community of Practice for Palliative Care in General Practice

This session will focus on palliative care in RACF, including role of palliative care for those living with dementia. The presentation will be delivered by Dr Aaron Wong, the clinical director of the palliative care service at Eastern Health. Dr. Wong is also a dual trained geriatrician and palliative care physician.
Aged care CPD hours General practice Palliative care

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