Seeking health care

The following health care services are available in EMPHN’s catchment for community members.

  • Endometriosis and pelvic pain: These clinics aim to cut diagnosis delays and provide treatment.
  • After-hours: For help after-hours, there are a range of options available from telehealth to pharmacy.
  • Integrated Diabetes Education and Assessment (IDEAS) Program: This program is an integrated diabetes treatment model between the primary and acute sectors that helps consumers prevent and manage the health complications often associated with Type 2 Diabetes.
  • Vaccinations for Vulnerable Populations: GP and Pharmacy Vaccination Hubs are helping vulnerable people have more convenient access to COVID-19 vaccinations near where they live.
  • Urgent care: If you need urgent (but not emergency) health care, we are here to connect you with the service you need, at the right place and the right time.
Young asian woman dressed in white looking to the side

Endometriosis and Pelvic Pain Clinics

Father with child on lap in front of a laptop. Child appears ill.
African American father and his sick daughter using laptop while having video call with family doctor during coronavirus pandemic. Focus is on daughter.

Finding an after-hours service

Mature Man Checking Blood Sugar Level With Glucometer

Integrated Diabetes Education and Assessment (IDEAS) program

Please, help me as soon as possible

Vaccinations for Vulnerable Populations

Older lady having her wrist bandaged
Please, help me as soon as possible

Where to go for urgent care

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