Where to go for urgent care
Urgent Care Clinics support nearby hospital emergency departments by providing GP-led care for people with conditions that require urgent care but not an emergency response.
What is urgent care?
Most injuries and illnesses don’t need a trip to hospital. But, sometimes you do need to see a doctor or nurse quickly, and your usual general practitioner (GP) might not be available. In these cases, you might need a service called ‘urgent care’.
These situations might include injuries such as burns or sprains. They might also include suspected broken bones or a sudden illness. The illness makes you feel bad enough to need help, but not so bad that you need to call an ambulance.
Urgent Care Clinics (UCCs)
UCCs are commissioned by the Primary Health Networks (PHNs) with funding from the Victorian and Australian Governments. Australian Government funded clinics are also known as Medicare Urgent Care Clinics.
The clinics are available to anyone with or without a Medicare card, at no initial cost to the patient. However, please note that there may be additional costs involved for imaging, pathology, and other services.
Locations and contact details
Centre | Bookings | Contact details |
Epping Medicare Urgent Care Clinic (supporting the Northern Hospital) | Tel: (03) 9422 2220 or online 8am – 10pm daily | Shop 216, Epping Plaza Regional Centre, 571–583 High Street, Epping |
Mount Waverley Medicare Urgent Care Clinic (supporting the Monash Hospital) | Tel: (03) 8827 0740 or online 9am – 11pm daily | 408 Huntingdale Rd, Mount Waverley |
Heidelberg Medicare Urgent Care Clinic (supporting the Austin Hospital) | Tel: (03) 9000 9276 or online 9am – 11pm daily | 152 Burgundy Street, Heidelberg |
Forest Hill Urgent Care Clinic (supporting the Box Hill Hospital) | Tel: (03) 8804 1940 or online 8am – 10pm daily | Forest Hill Medical and Dental Centre, 490/524 Springvale Road, Forest Hill |
Maroondah Medicare Urgent Care Clinic (supporting the Maroondah Hospital) | Tel: (03) 9344 6888 or online 8am – 10pm daily | Mountain High Shopping Centre,Shop 28, 7–13 High Street, Bayswater |
Monash Children’s Urgent Care Clinic (supporting the Monash Children’s Hospital) | Tel: (03) 9284 2716 or online Mon to Fri: 6pm – 11pm | 246 Clayton Rd, Clayton (co-located with Monash Children’s Hospital) |
Please note: These clinics cannot provide a routine health assessment, a review of a care plan or a repeat prescription. UCCs employ a rigorous triage process to ensure only urgent low acuity conditions are seen. Patients presenting with chronic conditions that can be managed by their usual GP will be referred back to their regular GP.
Other urgent care services available within the EMPHN catchment
Call Triple Zero (000) or visit your nearest emergency department if you or someone you know is experiencing an immediate life-threatening emergency.
If you are feeling unwell with mild to moderate respiratory symptoms, contact your local GP (in person or by telehealth appointment) or call NURSE-ON-CALL (1300 60 60 24) for free advice from a registered nurse, 24 hours a day. If urgent care is required, visit a UCC or contact the Victorian Virtual Emergency Department online, 24 hours a day.