Aged care

Eastern Melbourne Primary Health Network (EMPHN) aims to improve access to both high-quality healthcare for all aged care residents in our community.

On this page:

Supporting a sustainable system

We take the health, social and functional needs of our community into consideration in all our aged care programs and services, from program planning and design through to the commissioning process.

Our work in aged care is addressing the recommended reforms set out by the Australian Government Aged Care Quality and Safety Commission.

Aged care reforms

The final report into Aged Care Quality and Safety in February 2021 prompted the Australian Government to commit to a $17.7 billion reform package over the next five years, with a focus on five key areas:

  1. Home care
  2. Residential aged care services and sustainability
  3. Residential aged care quality and safety
  4. Workforce
  5. Governance

These reforms will build a sustainable and person-centred system for our rapidly ageing population, by delivering more choice, easier access and better healthcare.

Learn about our aged care work

Use the links below to find more information on our work to deliver high-quality healthcare for all aged care residents within the catchment area we support.

Group of elderly people reaching into a circle to hold hands

After-hours planning for residential aged care homes

Elderly asian lady playing mahjong

Care finder program

Elderly lady on a swing smiling

Dementia care pathways for health professionals

Portrait of happy senior man and his adult daughter leaning on his shoulder

The Dementia Directory

Female Asian doctor making video call with Asian senior woman grey hair 80-90s, telemedicine telehealth concept

Telehealth support for residential aged care homes

Female Asian doctor making video call with Asian senior woman grey hair 80-90s, telemedicine telehealth concept

Better Lives For Residents Through Innovative Education

Female Asian doctor making video call with Asian senior woman grey hair 80-90s, telemedicine telehealth concept

My Health Record

If you are a clinician interested in working in Residential Aged Care Facilities or a General Practitioner working with Residential Aged Care Facilities, please contact us.

Contact us

Aged Care team

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