Decision support tool for mental health care (IAR-DST)

The Initial Assessment and Referral Decision Support Tool (IAR-DST) is a clinical tool that assists health professionals to recommend an appropriate level of care for those seeking mental health support.

On this page:

What is the IAR-DST?

The IAR-DST provides a framework for GPs and other clinicians to conduct mental health assessments and referrals, based on existing assessment results. It doesn’t replace existing results, or require additional clinical assessment scales and processes.

Another goal of the IAR-DST is to provide a common approach and language for communicating the intensity of treatment response (level of care) across service providers. It may also act as a prompt about the information to gather.

Take a look and access the Initial Assessment and Referral Decision Support Tool.

Training for mental health professionals

Eastern Melbourne Primary Health Network (EMPHN) runs training sessions on the IAR-DST for GPs, general practice staff, clinicians and other mental health service providers. The training consists of a two-hour workshop delivered either online or face-to-face, with a focus on:

  • Introduction to the IAR-DST
  • Orientation to the domains, levels of care and decision support tool
  • Clinical judgement and supported decision-making
  • Application of the tool in assessment and intake settings (practical activity using a scenario)

*The training is an RACGP CPD Approved Activity for the 2023–2026 triennium. Eligible GPs who complete the training can claim a once-off payment of $300 (excluding GST).

Take advantage of this CPD opportunity and claim your payment of $300*.

Online training

We are also available to conduct training at your clinic (minimum numbers may apply). Contact us at for more information.

Why use the IAR-DST?

A number of mental health services funded by EMPHN, and the Victorian and Australian Governments, will be adopting the IAR-DST, where appropriate. These services include Head to Health, Stepped Care, and Local Adult and Older Adult Mental Health and Wellbeing Services.

PHNs throughout Australia are also supporting adoption of the IAR-DST. This sector-wide utilisation, including by GPs and other clinicians, will help to:

  • Reduce silos in mental health care
  • Decrease the risk of under or over-servicing
  • Support service providers to communicate the needs of people with mental health issues in a common language

In the long-term, the IAR-DST might address some of the pressures impacting service availability. For example, improved utilisation and optimisation of self-management and low-intensity interventions may alleviate pressure on moderate-intensity interventions.

Careful assignment of resources means that those who require specific supports are more likely to be able to access them.

At a minimum, adopting a consistent approach across services assists identification of service gaps and advocacy of future funding needs.


For assistance and more information, please contact:

IAR-DST team

(03) 8814 2413 (03) 9881 2431

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