SupportConnect is a website and telephone service for people in need, families, friends, carers, health professionals and service providers. It helps people to navigate the mental health system, and to find the most appropriate service to meet their needs.
SupportConnect assists people with of a wide range of mental health needs, including:
- Mental health support
- Suicide prevention
- Alcohol and drug use support
The SupportConnect team of qualified and experienced mental health clinicians and practitioners provides telephone assistance and referrals for those who would prefer to speak to a person, rather than engage via the website.
The team can also provide more specific advice for people with complex needs, or for those who are unsure about their options. Please note that SupportConnect does not provide direct counselling or crisis support services. Rather, it refers callers to a range of services that might best suit their needs.
Please note that the SupportConnect team telephone service (03) 9800 1071 is available Monday to Friday from 9am–5pm (excluding public holidays).
This is not a 24/7 emergency service — always call 000 in an emergency.
You can also find local mental health triage services in your area on the Victorian Department of Health website
SupportConnect provides access at all stages of life
We support people of all ages, including children and young people under the age of 25 years, adults 25 years and over, and older adults 65 years and over. We connect residents to various services throughout the Eastern Melbourne Primary Health Network region to support their needs.
Reach out to SupportConnect:
EMPHN SupportConnect team(03) 9800 1071 Monday to Friday from 9am–5pm (excluding public holidays). 8677 9510