Strengthening mental health care – EMPHN hosts IAR training and networking event for Local GPs in Lilydale

31 October 2024

EMPHN recently hosted an engaging Initial Assessment & Referral (IAR) training and networking event in Lilydale, organised in collaboration with the EMPHN GP Engagement team. This event provided a valuable opportunity for healthcare professionals to deepen their knowledge of mental health care, while networking with peers from across the catchment.

The event brought Local GPs together to discuss and share their experiences, contributing to a more comprehensive understanding of mental health care scenarios and practices.

Expert speakers from the Yarra Ranges Mental Health & Wellbeing Local offered key insights into mental health and wellbeing, providing attendees with a deeper look into current practices and developments. For further information on Yarra Ranges Mental Health & Wellbeing Local, please visit their website.

The event introduced attendees to the latest updates to the IAR Decision Support Tool and included discussions on practical ways to adapt and evolve with these changes when practicing care. Attendees appreciated the interactive format, which featured practical activities aimed at applying these new tools and methodologies.

The successful event highlighted the importance of collaboration and ongoing education in enhancing mental healthcare services within the catchment.

Eligible GPs participating in these IAR training sessions will receive a $300 payment and accrue Continuing Professional Development (CPD) hours, with 1.5 hours of Education Activity and 0.5 hours of Reviewing Performance.

GPs interested in future IAR training can register for the upcoming free online sessions below.

Upcoming online IAR-DST

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