New staff POLAR training and refresher training?

New staff POLAR training and refresher training?

13 May, 2024

We have just moved into a new PIP quarter as of 1 May, now is a great time to think about your next Quality Improvement activity!

The General Practice Improvement and Digital Enablement (GPIDE) Team are available to provide POLAR and WALRUS training on site at your practice or remotely over TeamViewer.

We can provide information around the latest updates, assist with adding/removing POLAR/WALRUS users, implement POLAR and WALRUS in your practice, install WALRUS, provide new staff with a POLAR orientation, provide refresher training for existing users as well as assist with specific POLAR searches that you may be struggling to generate.

The GPIDE team will be at the next Practice Managers conference on 30 May 2024 so come and say hello. Training and correspondence can also be made at