Doctors in Secondary Schools
The Doctors in Secondary Schools program provides school-based health services to 100 Victorian secondary schools considered most in need. It complements existing student-wellbeing programs.
On this page:
The Doctors in Secondary Schools program has been running since 2017 and there are 12 participating schools in the EMPHN region. The funding provides students with access to no-cost healthcare in purpose-built facilities located at the school.
A nurse and a GP attend the school once a week. GPs, nurses and clinics are paid and supported to participate in the program.
The core objectives of the program are to:
- Make primary health care more accessible to students
- Provide assistance to young people to identify and address health problems early
- Reduce pressure on working families
Participating schools
General practices/clinics
Clinics must be accredited against the Royal Australian College of General Practitioners (RACGP) Standards for General Practice. Practices that are accredited or registered for accreditation and committed to working with the school on an ongoing basis are encouraged to apply.
Practices are required to provide bulk-billing services for students, have a medical software program and have – or are willing to have – a clinical audit tool installed to record and report data.
All clinicians will be required to undertake mandatory training in-line with program requirements.
General practitioners
The program requires GPs with:
- A medical degree with licence to practice in Australia
- Australian Health Practitioner Regulation Agency (AHPRA) registration with no restriction on scope of practice
- Appropriate Medical and Professional Indemnity Cover
- A satisfactory Working with Children Check
Practice nurses
The program requires practice nurses with:
- Australian Health Practitioner Regulation Agency (AHPRA) registration with no restriction on scope of practice
- A satisfactory Working with Children Check
Resources and information
Department of Education
UoM (webinars)
Get involved
The Doctors in Secondary Schools is an ongoing program, funded by the Department of Education. Our goal is to ensure that the 12 participating schools in our region can consistently offer this service. If you are a GP, nurse or general practice interested in the Doctors in Secondary Schools program, complete the form below. We will contact those who have submitted an expression of interest before releasing vacancies to an open market.