Would you like to make a difference in community health in our area? Join WiseCrowd!

Happy, diverse group of people looking into camera

29 November 2024

If you live or work in the east or north-east of Melbourne, you’re eligible to join WiseCrowd, our community and consumer panel.

WiseCrowd is a group of people from the community established by EMPHN, aimed at improving health and wellbeing in east and north-east Melbourne. You can participate as much or as little as you like and be compensated for your time.

By being a WiseCrowd member, you can meet like-minded people from the community and help us plan, design, or evaluate health services to ensure our programs deliver outcomes for the community.

Whats involved if I join?

By joining WiseCrowd, you can have your say on the future of health services in your area. We believe that health care can be improved, but we need to hear from community members who use them most!

WiseCrowd members can engage in activities like:

  • Surveys
  • Virtual discussions
  • In-person or online workshops
  • Get involved in committees and working groups

If you’d like to join, or know someone who would, sign up today here.

For more information, read our Terms of Reference

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