01 February 2024
In recent years, all Australian governments have made record investments into research and suicide prevention and postvention programs recognising that suicide prevention is a national priority. Australia’s suicide prevention sector has matured and is growing rapidly. The sector developments, best practice and research innovation in this space directs us towards building a compassionate system of care to support people in suicidal distress.
To remain responsive, innovative and purposeful in delivering suicide prevention programs in the eastern and north-eastern region, Eastern Melbourne Primary Health Network (EMPHN) will undertake market scoping for the development of suicide prevention and postvention programs to meet community need.
“We remain committed to working with our communities to better understand the priorities, the existing service gaps and how to best commission funding,” said Janine Wilson, CEO of EMPHN.
“We will continue to advance our work to ensure that investments, interventions and systems support people in suicidal distress.”
For further enquiries contact, Natasha Levy, Executive Director, Communications and Engagement, natasha.levy@emphn.org.au.