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Adult ALS


Date & Time

Saturday 22nd March @ 8:30 am - 5:00 pm


Alfred Health Simulation Centre, 89 Commercial Rd
Melbourne, Victoria 3004

Event Category

External event


Health Education Collaborative

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Saturday 22nd March @ 8:30 am 5:00 pm


89 Commercial Rd
Melbourne, Victoria 3004


0419 939 458

This course is designed for health care providers. There are two theory modules in this course:

  • Basic life support (BLS)
  • Advanced life support (ALS)

Learning objectives for Basic life support (BLS)

  • Identify the indications for BLS in paediatrics
  • Explain the appropriate actions for DRSABCDE
  • Discuss safe and effective use of the automated external defibrillator (AED)
  • Describe the management of a foreign body airway obstruction (FBOA)

Learning objectives for Advanced life support (ALS)

  • Discuss the essential skills required to effectively function as part of an emergency response team.
  • Outline the principles of cardiac arrest management
  • Apply the ANZCOR ALS algorithm to the management of cardiac arrest
  • Explain the skills of airway management and manual defibrillation
  • Identify the medications used in cardiac arrest

Please note, this is a fee-based course, and attendees are responsible for covering the cost.

Aged care General practice

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