The Eastern Navigation Resource
The Eastern Navigation Resource has been developed by the Eastern Regional Coordinators (ERC) group to help guide local service providers from both the inner and outer areas of Eastern Melbourne through key entry points to a range of sectors.
Eastern Navigation Resource
On this page:
The Royal Commission into Victoria’s Mental Health System Report (2021), and the Productivity Commission Inquiry Report on Mental Health (2020) both identified support service navigation as a key area of need.
Both reports also recommended a central online navigation portal to improve understanding of the available services among mental health service providers.
In the absence of such an online navigation portal, the Eastern Navigation Resource is designed to bridge this gap.
About the resource
The Eastern Navigation Resource is divided into sector-specific sections, and includes information to support understanding of eligibility criteria, catchments and suitable entry points. It also contains useful links and a glossary of common terms and acronyms used by the different sectors (see page 60).
The resource does not provide a comprehensive list of services and supports, but rather key access points to service navigation.
Please note that the resource is current as of May 2024, and the authors take no responsibility for ongoing accuracy. To check for updated information, please use the resource web links for each service sector.
For all enquiries regarding the resource please contact Jo McDonald
Video resource library
Learn more about the service sectors outlined in the Eastern Navigation Resource through the videos below.