14 May 2024
Following the commencement of hardcopy MyMedicare patient registration forms, numerous forms have been incorrectly sent to Services Australia, instead of being submitted to the relevant practice for processing.
The department has been working with Services Australia to liaise with practices since October 2023 to ensure they are aware of the correct process and provide assistance where required.
Services Australia have advised that, as of 1 April 2024, they will no longer liaise with practices or patients who send in hardcopy forms.
Hardcopy MyMedicare forms sent to Services Australia, either via patients or practices, will no longer be processed. All hardcopy registration forms received by Services Australia will now be destroyed.
Any support from PHNs to ensure that practices are aware that they are responsible for ensuring they receive any hard copy forms back for their patients is appreciated. This ensures that patient registrations are completed correctly, and practices are able to claim linked MBS items.