20 November 2023
The RACGP has provided the following updates on practice accreditation:
- The Standards are now web-based and the previous static Standards PDF has been removed from the RACGP website. Practices should refer to the website for the latest version of the Standards.
- The Australian Commission on Safety and Quality in Health Care (ACSQHC) has published Advisory GP18/04: Notification of significant risk, which describes requirements for accrediting agencies to notify the ACSQHC of significant and ongoing risks of patient harm identified during the assessment of general practices. The advisory outlines steps that are taken when a surveyor is on site and identifies one or more significant risks.
- The RACGP’s questionnaire in their Patient Feedback Guide has been updated so that its demographic question on gender aligns with national standards for the collection and recording of gender identity.
More information: RACGP – Standards News