Now available – Quality Improvement Toolkit for General Practice

08 July 2024

EMPHN has created topic specific quality improvement toolkits that provide practical steps and ideas for practice teams to implement improvement activities at their own pace, based on the needs of the practice.

The first toolkit, created in collaboration with a general practitioner and their general practice team, has been developed to assist general practices with increasing cervical screening rates with a focus on self-collection.

Resources available to support your practice:

  • New! Cervical Screening Quality Improvement Toolkit for General Practice: View here
  • Cervical Screening Quality Improvement Activity: Sample PDSA: View here
  • Recorded webinar for clinical teams: Improving health outcomes by incorporating HPV Self-Collection: Watch webinar
  • Recorded webinar for practice teams: Quality Improvement Lunch and Learn – Increasing Uptake of cervical screening rates at your general practice: Watch webinar

Quality Improvement Tip: Connect to the National Cancer Screening Register (NCSR)

Integrating your clinical software with the NCSR can help your clinical team capture cervical screening details for all eligible people more efficiently. Currently, only 36.8% of general practices in the EMPHN catchment are connected to the NCSR through their clinical software to access reliable and up-to-date screening data. By connecting to the NCSR and comparing its data with lists of eligible people for cervical screening generated by your clinical software, you can ensure that those people who have never screened or are under screened are properly identified.

For more information:

For support: Primary health care services can integrate their clinical software with the NCSR by registering via PRODA.

For FREE integration support, call NCSR: 1800 627 701.

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