New error causing issues in PRODA

30 August 2024

Many General Practices have been experiencing This a new error message that is causing issues in PRODA when attempting to link the provider to a GPACI patient in HPOS. An example of this error can be viewed here.

DoHAC has received confirmation from Services Australia that this is a new error. It has come to their attention through the help desk as well as through PHNs, they are working with the systems team on a fix.

The fix is expected to go live in December, it cannot happen sooner than that unfortunately.

In the interim, the explanation is:

  • The 0831 warning displays when a provider is not eligible for the full period that the incentive indicator is assigned to the patient. Please note, this is not an error and does not restrict the ability for a practice to add an incentive indicator or assign a responsible provider. 
  • As this is only a warning message, the user can continue by selecting ‘confirm’ again after the message appears to proceed with linking/adding the responsible provider.
  • Operators may also have to select ‘save’ twice.
  • We will be releasing updated wording for the 0831 warning message this week to help alleviate confusion.

Any further advice from Services Australia will be circulated once received.

For more information or support, please contact EMPHN’s Digital Health team at

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