31 March 2023
Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)
1. Who can attend training?
Providers whose principal place of practice is within the EMPHN catchment can attend EMPHN hosted training. Please check your PHN location.
EMPHN welcomes anyone who meets this criteria to attend training, noting that the IAR-DST should be undertaken by suitably qualified and experienced clinicians. In well supervised environments it may be appropriate to engage non-clinical staff in components of the intake assessment. Please refer to page 20 of the National Guidance for further details.
Please contact your local PHN if your principal place of practice falls within the boundaries of another PHN.
2. Who is eligible to receive the once off $300 (excl. GST) payment?
GPs/GP registrars whose principal place of practice is within the EMPHN catchment must attend the full two-hour training to receive the payment.
GPs will not be paid for attending this training if attending on behalf of an organisation as a salaried position funded by the Commonwealth, or if they have previously been paid for attending this training.
Other medical staff and clinicians are not eligible to receive payment for attending training.
3. Is the training RACGP approved?
Yes, the IAR-DST training is now an RACGP CPD Approved Activity for the triennium 2023-2024 (1.5 hours of education activity and 0.5 hours of reviewing performance). Once GP’s have completed the training, we will lodge the RACGP application on your behalf.
A certificate of attendance will also be provided to all attendees.
4. Will I receive a certificate if I attend training?
A certificate of completion will be sent to all participants who complete the 2-hour training. Attendance will be recorded when you join the online or face-to-face training.
5. Will a new Medicare benefits schedule item be introduced for the IAR-DST?
There are no immediate plans to introduce new MBS items for the IAR-DST. However, nothing prevents a GP from administering the IAR-DST using existing MBS items – provided they meet the requirements of the MBS item descriptor and satisfy all other legislative requirements.
6. Will the IAR-DST be integrated with the mental health treatment plan?
The priority is making the IAR-DST accessible and available to GPs in a way that enables them to use it easily as part of their workflows. Future enhancements to the IAR-DST and MHTPs will be considered in the broader context, factoring in stakeholder feedback and findings from the current Better Access evaluation, IAR-DST evaluations, and further insights obtained as more GPs undertake the training and utilise the tool.
7. What is the target group that the IAR-DST is appropriate to be used with?
The IAR-DST 2.0 has age adaptations available for the following:
- Children (5-11)
- Adolescents (12-17)
- Adults (18-65)
- Older adults (65+)
The Department of Health is exploring adaptations for other priority populations.