GP Engagement Survey update

Male doctor writing on a notebook at his desk

18 December 2023

Many of you provided invaluable feedback via our GP Engagement Survey in May this year.

We had provided a report back to you in our August newsletters and special updates, sharing the key insights and key priority areas and opportunities for improvement.

Since then, we have progressed some key initiatives in direct response to your feedback, which we’d like to share as the year draws to a close.

  1. Engagement with EMPHN Board & Clinical Council
    We will continue to work with the EMPHN Board and Clinical Council to build consensus on the key learnings from the survey and the strategies to focus on moving forward.
  2. Commitment to understanding your views – practice visits
    Janine Wilson, our CEO, has continued to meet with practices to better understand your challenges and opportunities. We have used these meetings to further explore key themes from the survey and your views on how we can best address them.
  3. Sharing insights between hospitals and general practice
    Meetings with each LHN CEO and executive teams have taken place. The purpose of these meetings was to discuss the survey results with them and a way forward to address current challenges. As a result of the meeting we are embedding working partnerships with LHNs as to how they can address the friction points and create opportunities to engage local GPs in addressing them. One example of this is that Northern Health have already undertaken an internal audit on the timeliness of discharge summaries and are using this information to inform the implementation of their new Electronic Medical Record. GPs in the north can look out for opportunities in the new year to be engaged by Northern Health in informing this part of the EMR project.
  4. Streamlining communications to better meet your needs
    The EMPHN Communication and Events Team have undertaken a newsletter and website review to ensure that communications are effective, timely and purposeful for readers. We have consolidated a number of communications to improve and streamline our messaging to you as well as focusing on the key priorities as outlined in the survey results. A website redevelopment project is underway, with features such as improved search, intuitive navigation, direct uploading to GP vacancies page and improved design. The new website will be launched late March 2024.
  5. Refreshing our GP Engagement Strategy
    With a dedicated role being added to the EMPHN team, we are committed more than ever to reinvigorating our approach to engagement with general practices. We will seek your input into the redevelopment of our GP Engagement Strategy. Watch out for opportunities to participate.

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