Strengthening Medicare – General Practice Grants Program

Strengthening Medicare – General Practice Grants Program

31 July, 2023

About the Program

General practice owners were invited to participate in the Australian Government’s $220 million Strengthening Medicare – General Practice Grants Program (the Program).

The Program aims to help general practices and eligible Aboriginal Community Controlled Health Organisations (ACCHOs) to expand patient access and improve general practice services.

The Program is the first step to delivering on the Government’s commitment towards strengthening Medicare and boosting general practice.

The grants will support general practices and eligible ACCHOs to make investments in innovation, training, equipment, and minor capital works in one or more of the three investment streams below:

  • enhance digital health capability
  • upgrade infection prevention and control arrangements
  • maintain or achieve accreditation against the Royal Australian College of General Practitioners Standards for General Practices (5th edition).

A one-off grant of either $25,000, $35,000 or $50,000 (based on practice size and accreditation status) will be available to each participating general practice and eligible ACCHOs. GP practices and ACCHOs not currently accredited against the RACGP standards will be eligible for $25,000.

More information is available:

Applications for the general practice grants have now closed. Practices that applied for the grant should consider how funds can be used to meet the intended outcomes of the grant program. The grant can be used to pay for relevant costs incurred between the grant execution date and 30 June 2024.

Examples are included by the Australian Government (PDF version) and EMPHN also have a document (PDF version) of ideas with advice by the Department on eligibility.

At the end of the program, grantees will need to return a completed evaluation survey and financial acquittal report to EMPHN. Receipts of expenditure must be retained but do not need to be submitted to EMPHN.

An executed copy of the agreement was sent via email to each practice. If you cannot locate your agreement, please email

If you have any grant enquiries, please refer to your General Practice Facilitator or email