Practice Incentives Program (PIP) Quality Improvement (QI)
The Practice Incentives Program (PIP) Quality Improvement (QI) incentive commenced on 1 August 2019. It is a quarterly payment to general practices who implement quality improvement activities to improve patient outcomes and deliver best practice care.
PIP QI Incentive
Accredited practices may be eligible to receive a maximum payment of up to $12,500 per quarter, based on $5.00 per Standard Whole Patient Equivalent (SWPE) per year, for meeting each of the following eligibility requirements:
- Be eligible for the PIP
- Register through Health Professional Online Services (HPOS) using your Provider Digital Access (PRODA) account for the PIP QI incentive from 1 August
- Undertake continuous quality improvement activities and retain evidence of activities for six years for audit purposes.
To understand the PIP QI requirements and PIP data governance arrangements, we strongly recommend that you refer to the following documents on the Australian Department of Health website:
- PIP QI Guidelines
- Improvement measures
- PIP Eligible data governance and privacy
- User guides
- Technical specifications
Further information
To support general practice to implement self-driven quality improvement activities to meet requirements of the PIP QI, refer to our Quality Improvement page.