Provider Connect Australia

Provider Connect Australia

Provider Connect Australia - helping healthcare providers stay connected

Provider Connect Australia is a new service operated by the Australian Digital Health Agency to streamline the process of healthcare organisations keeping their business partners up to date with details of the services they provide and the practitioners that provide them.

Benefits of Provider Connect Australia

When healthcare provider organisations update their contact details in the Provider Connect Australia service, this automatically sends their new details to nominated hospitals, pathology and radiology services, public service directories, secure messaging providers and more.

This service was launched in early in 2023. The benefits to you and your team include:

  • Significantly reduces the time spent to manually notify each business partner whenever healthcare provider organisation details change.
  • Reduces and/or eliminates potential errors from manually transcribing information
  • It is a secure, reliable and efficient way to help healthcare providers stay connected on a national scale.

Provider Connect Australia Product summary for healthcare providers.

Provider Connect Australia creates unique identifiers for healthcare services, service delivery locations and practitioners’ service delivery roles, allowing these to be reliably identified and linked across the healthcare system. These unique identifiers complement existing national identifiers for healthcare provider organisations and individuals.

Healthcare provider organisations choose which of their healthcare services and practitioners PCA can disclose to which of their business partners.

Visit the Australian Digital Health Agency website for further information

For any Provider Connect Australia enquires or support please contact us at