Palliative care support services
Eastern Melbourne Primary Health Network (EMPHN) recognises that palliative care is a highly specialised area of healthcare that prevents and relieves suffering, through early identification, correct assessment and treatment of pain and other problems.
On this page:
About palliative care
Palliative care can start at any stage of a life-limiting illness and is not the same as end-of-life care. Treatment for the illness can continue during palliative care.
End-of-life care is an important part of palliative care that aims to make people and families as comfortable as possible at the end of life. It is for people of any age and often involves bringing together a range of health professionals. This may be at home, or in a hospital, hospice or residential aged care homes.
Greater Choices For At Home Palliative Care Program
EMPHN has received funding for Greater Choices For At Home Palliative Care Program, aiming to enhance the coordination of palliative care nationwide and align with the majority’s desire to receive care and conclude life at home.
Within EMPHN, we collaborate closely with palliative care service providers in our area, engaging with other PHNs in a Community of Practice to exchange knowledge and initiatives. Our efforts include promoting educational opportunities for General Practitioners (GPs) on palliative care and understanding the needs of Residential Aged Care Homes (RACHs) concerning palliative care resources and connections with specialist services as well as connecting with members of the community.
Palliative Care Access to Core Medicines project
The Palliative Care Access to Core Medicines (PCAM) Project facilitates timely access to essential medicines for those choosing to die at home, supporting them through palliative care. A complete Core Medicines List (CML) and map identifying the location of participating local community pharmacies in Melbourne has been developed in collaboration with NWMPHN and SEMPHN.
My Palliative Care Journey
My Palliative Care Journey is an eight-part video series in collaboration with Palliative Care Victoria, Bolton Clarke and Eastern Melbourne Regional Palliative Care Consortium, “My Palliative Care Journey,” shares personal stories of caregivers navigating palliative care after losing a loved one.
Viewer discretion is advised, Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander viewers are advised that the videos below contain the names of people who have died.
Your Voice Your Choice
A collaborative digital storytelling project nationally across PHNs, “Your Voice Your Choice,” focuses on End of Life and Advance Care Planning. It provides a space to share stories and knowledge from community members, carers, and health professionals.
Finding options for palliative care
Visit our community information page.