Wellbeing and Resilience Grants awarded

Wellbeing and Resilience Grants awarded

24 January, 2024

Eastern Melbourne Primary Health Network (EMPHN) is pleased to announce the recipients of the Wellbeing and Resilience Grants to strengthen social connectedness and assist communities to address the impact of recent disaster events.

The overwhelming response from the community saw a total of 32 applications submitted for the limited funding pool. EMPHN extends its gratitude to each applicant for their dedicated efforts in contributing to the betterment of their communities.

After a thorough evaluation process, we are pleased to announce that 13 applicants have been selected to receive funding for their initiatives:

OrganisationProgram summaryMore information or further contact
Big Brothers Big Sister’s Monbulk Mentoring ProgramMentoring is a one to one, supportive relationship between a caring community member, and a young person. The program's matches are long term, this creates a strong bond between the mentor and young person, allowing lasting transformational change to occur.

Mentoring can help to build a young person’s sense of connection, self-awareness, and self-confidence so that they can move towards reaching their full potential. It can also be a hugely rewarding experience for the mentors, building community connections and resilience.

Mentors are volunteers and commit to spending one hour a week over a 12-month period. They engage in mutually enjoyable activities and a bond of trust builds up resulting in the young person feeling safe and valued. There is a comprehensive screening and training process for mentors that places child safety and wellbeing at its core. This is further enhanced through continuous support provided to the mentor and young person by the local coordinator.

The young people participating in the program will be students at the Monbulk College. We are inviting community members across the Dandenong Ranges to become mentors. Watching young people grow in confidence, self-esteem is a very rewarding experience.
Mentoring Coordinator Monbulk
Belinda Chandler
Email: Belinda.chandler@bbbsau.org
Phone: 0422 237 178
Apply at www.bigbrothersbigsisters.org.au.
Friends of Kalorama ParkFun run in the park
We are holding a cross country fun run together with Mt Dandenong Primary School at the beginning of May. It will be in the beautiful Kalorama Park and is a great way to encourage kids health and wellbeing, as well as show the school community the beautiful park we look after and encourage future activity there.
Contact: www.kaloramapark.com.au
Kallista VillageKallista Emergency Group (KEG). Born out of the Kallista Village township group, the Kallista Emergency Group (KEG) was formed in mid-2023 together with Kallista -The Patch CFA, Parks Victoria, and Yarra Ranges Council with a mission to develop a grassroots Community Emergency Management Plan in consultation with the community that can be deployed and actioned in the event of a natural or other disaster impacting the communities of Kallista, The Patch and Sherbrooke.

In 2024, through the generous support of the EMPHNs Wellbeing and Resilience Grant, we will move into the community consultation phase, which will involve broader engagement with the community, as well as a series of workshops with interested community members and subject matter experts facilitated by the award-winning emergency management specialists the Six C’s group to develop our Kallista Emergency Management Plan.

The aim of this project is to help our community be better prepared for the event of a natural or other disaster impacting the communities of Kallista, The Patch and Sherbrooke.
Contact via their Facebook page.
Lilydale Township Action GroupBusiness Wellbeing & Resilience free workshop.
One of three workshops to be delivered by Business Coach Jen Riseborough of Next Level You.

Join us for a series of workshops that are engaging and informative, focused on enhancing your business wellbeing and resilience.
Held at the Little Meeting Room - CVT Flooring Unit 14/64-86 Beresford Rd, Lilydale.
Reserve your place by clicking the link.
There is no cost to you and food and tea & coffee will be provided.
Mount Dandenong Primary SchoolKalorama Chestnut Festival. The festival is a cherished annual community festival featuring handicraft and food stalls, workshops, and local musical talent. The festival is a local institution and a much-loved family day out that celebrates the humble chestnut. The festival is held on Sunday May 5 in Kalorama and is a wonderful way of bringing our community together. Our goal is to connect people in our community so that all feel supported and fundraise for many local volunteer support groups. These include Mount Dandenong Preschool, Mount Dandenong Primary school, Scouts, Olinda Pool, and CFA. Please visit https://chestnutfestival.org.au/site/
Mountain MenRewilding dads and kids.
Mountain Men are partnering with Eco-explorers to hold events specifically for dads and kids between the ages of 3-6 to get into the outdoors for some nature play. We have had a fantastic Term 1 held in Belgrave Lake Park and Term 2 bookings are open now for Kalorama Park.
Book here.
Mt Evelyn Community HouseEmpowering Carers Project.
Mt Evelyn Community House and Reading Room are engaging carers within our local community to support carers to build capacity for themselves and the person their care for. We are equipping local carers with practical strategies through empowering workshops, such as supporting children in emergency situations, as well as empowering carers with strategies for self care and self regulation to build their capacity to cope through challenges resulting from floods, severe weather, loss of power, transport and communication. On a broader level, we are excited to be gathering community leaders to identify and communicate effective strategies for information sharing, access to support and needs based initiatives during extreme weather events and emergencies. This grassroots campaign aims to support our community to strategically respond and work together with a focus on inclusive communication and accessibility.
Please visit www.mtevelynch.com.au
The Men's Table"Healthy Men, Healthy Masculinities, Healthy Communities" & "We don't just talk footy and sh1t"
The Men’s Table enables adult men to meet on a monthly basis with the same group of men to share a meal and talk openly about their feelings, and the highs and lows that are impacting their lives and well-being. We provide a safe place to share and be heard in a confidential and non-judgemental environment, creating a greater sense of belonging, camaraderie and connection. A life of belonging with a trusted group of peers.
To learn more about who The Men's Table is come join us at an entree.
The Lilydale Men’s Table Entree - The Men's Table (themenstable.org)
Book your spot at the link above, dinner is provided.
Trek Learning CentreBoy to Man -Pathways to Healthy Masculinity
Girl to Woman - Pathways to Healthy Womanhood

A once in a lifetime funded program for young people and their families or important support adults, exploring health, mental health and wellbeing, self-beliefs, belonging, trust and honesty, freedoms and responsibility, relationships and much much more across weekly sessions or a 4-day camp culminating in a contemporary rite of passage for young people to step forward and be recognised as young adults by their group and established community.
Visit the website.
Warburton Bowls ClubEvenings at the Bowls Club
In late April and May, we will be hosting two evening events at the Warburton Bowls Club to highlight the benefits of connectedness and positive mental health in an approachable and humorous way.
The events will foster an inclusive atmosphere where community members can share a meal and a laugh, meet neighbours and friends, and have access to information on mental health and community resources.
Visit the website.
Visit the Facebook page.
Yarra Ranges Shire Council - Creative and Connected CommunitiesCreative Recovery Preparedness Project
Creative Communities are thrilled to have secured funding from EMPHN Wellbeing and Resilience Grant.

This grant will deliver the Creative Recovery Preparedness Project, enabling our creative leaders to deliver safe and engaging creative recovery projects with our community. This project aims to upskill six creative leaders from across the Yarra Ranges with the specialist skills needed to design and deliver exceptional creative recovery projects for the community.

The project will offer professional development sessions in advanced creative recovery techniques, including: Trauma informed practice self care gender equity in disaster mental health support cultural awareness and safety economic recovery.

Participants will develop a project concept that is critical for disaster recovery, they will then deliver a pilot workshop to community and evaluate the outcomes.
Contact: Bronwyn Ward Bronwyn.ward@yarraranges.vic.gov.au
Yarra Ranges Shire Council - Economic DevelopmentTBATBA
Foothills Community CareTBATBA

We extend our heartfelt congratulations to the successful grant recipients and express our anticipation for the positive outcomes that will undoubtedly result from these collaborative efforts. EMPHN is eager to share updates on the progress and impact of each project as they unfold. You can subscribe to our newsletters to stay up-to-date.