The Psychiatric Advice and Consultation Service (PACS) ceased operations on 30 June 2023.

The Psychiatric Advice and Consultation Service (PACS) ceased operations on 30 June 2023.

15 May, 2023

The Psychiatric Advice and Consultation Service (PACS) has ceased operating since 30 June 2023. PACS has been delivered by The Melbourne Clinic to provide specialist psychiatric consultation and advice to general practitioners in the EMPHN catchment. The program has been funded since 2018, however following an evaluation of the service and review of current demand, the decision has been made to cease the service on 30 June 20023.

GPs can now utilise the National GP Psychiatry Support Line, to speak directly to a qualified psychiatrist, for advise about patient's diagnosis, medication, treatment plans and investigation. Call 1800 16 17 18. The service is free and available 7am-7pm Monday to Friday. Download the flyer.

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