Fluad® Quad influenza vaccine eligibility

Fluad® Quad influenza vaccine eligibility

08 May, 2023

There have been a significant number of incorrect Fluad®Quad vaccine encounters reported to the Australian Immunisation Register (AIR) since April 2023. Services Australia and the Department of Health have been working with vaccination providers to address this issue.


  • Fluad® Quad is only registered in Australia for persons aged 65 years of age and over.
  • Always check the age of the person on the day of vaccination to ensure age-appropriate vaccination is administered.
  • Ensure vaccination reporting software and codes are up to date.
  • Check correct vaccine brand is reported to the AIR.
  • Update vaccine encounters immediately if incorrect vaccine reported to AIR.
  • Report all vaccines administered to AIR.


2023 Influenza Vaccination Program Advice for Vaccincation Providers